Improve Your Website SEO

This article outlines top tips to improve your website for better lead/sales conversions.
To start you'll need:
  • Access to website analytics data
  • Full access to edit your website
  • Experience with coding in particular HTML and CSS
  • Use of all popular browsers for testing

If you're not sure what these things are or you're not comfortable playing round with them then you might want to consider consulting a professional to help you get the most out of your website and make sure its working for your business.

We can help you with this and provide you with a free, no obligation 'website revamp' quote so that you can understand where improvements can be made to your website.

Our Top Tips

1. Improve Your Website Design

More than 50% of all searches start on a mobile device. If your website is not mobile friendly then you could be losing opportunities for new business. 

Responsive design means that your website is optomised for the size of the device that it's viewed on, for example, smart phones and tablets.

In the not too distant future, response design will be the standard for all websites. If your website is not responsive, this should be your number one priority for improving your website

2. Get Google Analytics

Business owners need to know how users behave on their websites. What they're looking at and what they searched for to get there. You need this data to grow your online business.

Google Analytics is free and anybody can hook it up to their website to get detailed user information on your site.

If you are already using Google Analytics make sure you are reviewing your analytics at least once a month.

3. Optimise Website Content

The attention span of online readers is realitively short compared to printed material. And this should be taken into consideration when writing website content.

You need to get to the point quickly and use a larger font so your text can be read on mobile devices easily. Make sure you have your most important information closer to the top of the page so visitors can find the answer to their question quickly and easily.

Show your visitors what they're looking for and why they should purchase from your site or make an inquiry with you.  Make sure you have a clear call to action.

4. Improve Your Website Ranking

Make sure you have fresh content on your website every month and give users the ability to share your content.  New content and visitors sharing your content helps your SEO.

5. CreateSpecific Landing Pages

If your are using AdWords make sure you take visitors to a specific landing page targeted towards the ad your visitor clicked and not just your generic home page.

Make sure that landing page has clear messaging and a call to action. Use the title of the users' search as the header of your landing page. This will help improve your website SEO too.

If you pay attention to these tips you will see results over time and your website will become a major asset for your business.